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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tightened ingress and egress policies passed by POA board

At a recent Village POA board of directors meeting the directors approved the ingress and egress policies proposed by board vice president John Cooney. This will mean a tightening of preexisting policies as of September 1.

Vehicles that do not have a current POA decal will be stopped and drivers must obtain authorization prior to entering the Village. A dash pass will be issued for visitors/guests.

HSV member cards must be shown if you don't have a current vehicle decal. In addition you must show proof of residency, a rental agreement or a current driver's license with a Village address. Police will be consulted for the non-compliant.

Dash passes will be good for up to seven days. One day dash passes will be issued for business appointments, doctor appointments, garage sales, day events, Silver Sneakers, church attendance, home health care, etc. License information will be kept in a log in the Public Relations Officers' building.

Members with paper-only POA membership cards will be asked to provide an appropriate photo ID.

When calling the gate to okay a visitor, callers must give their name, phone number and LBA number, guest name and instructions to send or call when the visitor arrives.

When calling in a list of five or more visitors the member will be referred to the online POA Gate entry system or the member must supply a list of visitors to the Village Police Department.

As before, entry will be given to vendors with work orders, invoices, sales receipts and bills of laden. Entry will also be given to public utility companies and Saline and Garland County officials and law enforcement entities.

The Public Relations Officers, PROs, are tasked with keeping traffic flowing while checking decals and authorizations.

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