The architectural control committee met last Thursday for permit application review.
Ken Robinson met with the ACC to discuss relocating his previously approved site for a storage building at the Balboa Marina.
The currently approved site would block the clerk’s view of marina activities, more specifically the site line to the gas pumps and rental boats. For security reasons Robinson asked for a new location for an approved storage building.
There was an urgency to his request as the delivery company wanted to drop off the building that afternoon. Mike Christy, Bob Kostelecky and Leland Kew agreed to go out and look at the newly proposed site for the storage facility. They would not be available until the following morning.
Robinson was directed to stall the delivery company for at least 24 hours allowing the committee members to view the new site, evaluate the request and vote on the permit application with Steve White’s, director of planning and inspection, input.
The matter was given a provisional nod of approval but would only be permitted if Kew, Kostelecky, Christy and White agreed on the new location. It was suggested the storage building be tied in with the existing bait shop with a fence.
There were eight assignments reviewed by ACC members.
009-04 Tiburon / 6 Trapo Lane / Nick Dailey/boat dock
Bob Kostelecky reviewed this permit application for a covered boat dock with a kayak ramp. The boat dock will replace an existing boat dock. There is plenty of space. The new design meets all Village criteria. The permit was approved by consensus.
005-02 Seville / 12 Seville Lane / Art Sidfrid/addition to boat dock
Bob Kostelecky reviewed this permit application for a swim platform with a step down on Lake DeSoto. The application meets all Village criteria. The permit was approved by consensus.
015-01 Remolino / 20 Remolino Way / Lowes/fence
Leland Kew reviewed this permit application for a black chain link fence on the property line in an area beyond the power line cut. There are no neighbors. The fence meets all Village criteria. The permit was approved by consensus.
030-07 Vereda / 19 Vereda Lane / Curtis Corp./boat dock
Leland Kew reviewed this permit application for a covered boat dock on Lake Granada. The dock is replacing an existing dock and swim platform. Kew said more information was needed on this permit application. The committee requested an official plat showing the site for the dock. The swim dock may have to be cut back or will require a variance. The matter should be cleared up with the plat. The permit was denied as submitted but will be reconsidered with the submission of the required plat.
010 -03 Hartura / 7 Hartura Lane / DeWayne Wilson/seawall
Leland Kew reviewed this permit application for a seawall on Lake Balboa. The property has only 52 feet of lake frontage. ACC members required more information regarding weep holes and a cross section illustration. The matter is tabled until further information is received.
004-06 Hartura / 51 Hartura Way / Albert Lewis/workshop
Buddy Dixon reviewed this permit application for a workshop. Dixon said there was a jungle behind the house and the workshop will not be seen by anyone. He said the property line was well-marked. The building will have the same siding and roof as the house. There was an area of standing water that was a concern. The contractor said the building will be on a slab and the surrounding area will be graded for better drainage. The permit was approved by consensus.
023-01 Pintuerero / 32 Pintuerero Way / Forest Smith/cut trees
Mike Christy reviewed this permit application for tree cutting and removal. The application was for removal of eight trees, seven pines and one cedar. The trees were leaning or dead. The permit was approved but it was made clear two oaks that were marked should not be removed and that clean up is required as well as removal of all tree remains.
012-06 Segador / 2 Segador Place / ARK Village Homes/roof over deck
Mike Christy reviewed this permit application for a roof over an existing deck. The application is for a shed roof that cannot be seen by anyone because of the slope of the property. The permit was approved by consensus.
There were no commercial permit applications brought before the committee at this time.
The ACC meets next August 5, at 8:30 a.m. at the POA administration building on DeSoto Boulevard.
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