Tuesday, April 15, 2014

KVRE's Highlights from the Hot Springs Village Police

April 8

An injured deer was euthanized in a Gailosa Lane backyard after sustaining two broken front legs in a car/deer accident.

There was a tree down on a power line on Viscara Way. Officers provided traffic control while Entergy workers removed the tree.

A Village man fell victim to the grandparent scam. His grandson was not in jail in Bermuda. The scam cost the man $2,150 plus a $150 transaction fee.

A Cifuentes Lane woman reported a scam in which $4,000 was charged to her credit card. The card carrier did not hold her responsible for the fraudulent charges.

A Quisto Circle man said there had been a skunk in his garage but it left before officers arrived.

A Village woman reported the violation of a no contact order by her ex-boyfriend. Information has been forwarded to the judge issuing the order.

April 9

A Panorama Drive woman complained house builders were blocking the roadway when they backed their trailer and truck onto the building lot.

A Sanchez Place couple filed a barking dog complaint.

A motorist’s car ran out of gas at DeSoto Boulevard and Fenix Drive.  The motorist put gas in his car and was on his way.

A Resplandor Loop couple said they were receiving harassing scam telephone calls. A call came in while an officer was present. The officer answered the phone and identified himself. The caller said he would come and rape his family. The officer provided several security measures on how to handle these particular calls.

A Halcon Place woman informed the police her ex-boyfriend had been harassing her.

April 10

A Village man allegedly exposed himself in the parking lot of the Coronado Fitness Center. Officers are providing extra patrols.

A woman walking on the Hernando Trail when she encountered an elderly woman and her medium sized barking white dog. After they passed each other the dog turned and bit the woman.  She did not think anything about it until she looked at the bite and realized it was more serious than she originally thought and needed stitches. Dr. Pullig’s office called police to report the dog bite to Animal Control.

HSVPD with the assistance of HSPD arrested Wesley Harris on an outstanding failure to appear warrant on a Commercial Burglary Fleeing charge. Harris was transported to the Saline County Sheriff’s Office.

Officers removed a tree branch blocking the roadway on San Sabatian Way.

There was a barking dog complaint on Sanchez Place. The dogs were not barking when police arrived.

There was a barking dog complaint on Sonora Way. The dogs were not barking when police arrived.

April 14

A woman donated a gun to the HSVPD that belonged to her brother that is hospitalized for dementia.

A Village woman stopped by the police department to report her wallet missing. She lost the wallet in Little Rock.

A Promesa Place man called police when lightening struck a tree between two Promesa Place residences.  The 6' tall tree was shattered into pieces. There was no damage to either home.

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