Monday, October 14, 2013

A brief apology

I am sorry I haven't been updating the blog, it is not for lack of news there has been a lot going on.

I have bitten off more than I can chew. As the new news director for KVRE I am responsible for two news broadcasts a day and any breaking news. I have some unexpected medical bills and have had to take a second job to help pay them off. I am the orchestra for the upcoming Players production of Annie. This is taking most of my nights. I am still singing in the Chorale and that takes my Monday nights.

I do have a husband and he deserves a little attention. Let's not forget the pups, Ruthie and Soloman. We are expecting a visit from one of the Beach families later this month and I am trying to finish some homemaking jobs that have languished. I am feeling a bit out of control and the blog has suffered.

This weekend I made an extensive check list and completed about half of the jobs on the list, but of those completed I have new curtains in the master bedroom and a new bed skirt. I am quilting curtains for the Arkansas room, it is uninsulated and since the winter is supposed to be extra cold, I want to make sure the room is extra warm. Lee and I each have a desk out there and it can get pretty cold when the windows are uncovered. I finished two of the six curtains and have two ready for tying and completion.

I thoroughly cleaned one of the hallways, floors and walls. The other one is on my list for next weekend. The kids will use the master while they are here and I am almost finished a thorough clean there. So, I'm busier than a one-armed paperhanger.

I will make an effort to blog at least for a few minutes every day and cover the breaking news without fail. Thanks for looking it to see what's going on.

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