Monday, May 6, 2013

More skunks test positive for rabies in Garland County

Two more skunks tested positive for rabies the last week of April, bringing the total number of positive rabies cases in Garland County since the beginning of the year to seven.

In the 500 block of Rogers Road, a homeowner found a dead skunk in the yard and contacted Hot Springs Animal Services for pickup.  After the skunk tested positive, three large free-roaming dogs not current on their vaccinations will undergo a six-month quarantine.

Another homeowner saw and shot a skunk observed during the daytime at the side of the road near a neighbor’s home in the 600 block of Highway 290. He picked it up carefully before calling Animal Services for submittal. A stray dog observed roaming the neighborhood recently is being sought by Animal Services in case of exposure to the skunk.

Pet owners are reminded to vaccinate all dogs and cats at least four months old to protect them from rabies. After the first one-year vaccine is administered, a 3-year vaccine will suffice. Confirming rabies cases and monitoring quarantines cost both city and state time, effort and taxpayer dollars. To report any unusual daytime activity by nocturnal creatures such as skunks or bats, call Hot Springs Animal Services, 262-2091. 

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