Friday, January 13, 2012

Six candidates for POA board of directors

The six candidates for the Village POA board of directors include two incumbents, Katie Feather and Bob Brandt , and four new candidates Tom Elliott, Keith Keck, Bobbie Bateman and Frank Leeming.

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association is soliciting applications from Hot Springs Village property owners in good standing who are willing to serve on this year’s election day committee.

This committee is charged with overseeing the ballot counting for the Hot Springs Village board of directors election. The ballots will be counted on Thursday, March 29, at the Ouachita Building.

Applications will be available beginning February 1, online at us/committees/committee application or from the General Manager’s office at the POA Administration Building, 895 DeSoto Blvd. There will be 14 members selected by a blind draw on March 7, at the work session and appointed by the Board of Directors on March 21.

Applications must be completed and returned to the general manager’s office no later than Thursday, March 1.

Please contact 922-5530 for additional information or questions.


  1. WRT: “The six candidates for the Village POA board of directors include three incumbents, Katie Feather, Bob Brandt and Tom Bryant, and three new candidates Keith Keck, Bobbie Bateman and Frank Leeming.”

    So what happened to Mr. Tom Elliott? Did he finally realize that he was in way over his old-school head and pull his own plug? We can only hope!

    Tom Elliott has only one interest – making Tom Elliott as powerful and influential as his good ole boy network cronies. His campaign slogan, "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" is a joke. His website carefully neglected to mention the role he played, (more like perpetrated), in “Yesterday’s” POA-Ithakon software fiasco. Tom was personally responsible for the mis-appropriation of hundreds of thousands of dollars in unjustified payments to this company – that is – if you want to call Ithakon a “real company.” Ithakon was and still is rated by the Better Business Bureau of Florida as one of its worst. So anybody with a modicum of common sense should have asked, why is this guy so intent on funneling HSV money into a garage-based corporation with an F Rating, for no viable deliverables. Makes you wonder.

    Tom was hired to implement the failed Ithakon project and was the only one pushing for the issuance of unjustified payments for software that was not usable and never had any hope of being so. Yet he continued to sell the Board on writing checks to Ithakon for deliverables that were never met. Ask yourself what kind of a person continues to spend money on antiquated software, which is of no use to anyone in the real business world. But this is Tom’s “strength” you see – he’s old-school, old fashioned, has zero awareness of even the simplest of new technology and yet he purports to be the “right candidate” for the next Board and the future of The Village! Please – someone wake me up from this nightmare!

    Anybody here in HSV really happy with their Chelsea System? Thank you Tom! Because of his incompetence, it took the POA Staff the better part of two years to FIX what he proclaimed to be FINISHED! More real life examples of how Tom’s mis-management cost HSV Property Owners hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    These projects demonstrate how one incompetent politically connected individual can put his own personal interests and ego before what is best for the community, and GET AWAY WITH IT.

    Let's hope Mr. Elliott realized that while he "neglected to mention" these fiascos on his website that enough informed people know "the rest of the story" to keep him off the board, now and forever!

  2. Tom Elliot - Candidate for HSV POA Board of Directors: His HOUSE IS FOR SALE and has been for several months now! Riddle Me This Mr. Villager! Why would anyone want to vote for a candidate who doesn't even want to live among us in HSV? What? We're not good enough for you? Or do you plan on continuing to use our monthly assessments as your personal ATM? Didn't you steal enough money from us by obstructing the contract termination of Ithicon? Do us all a favor - please sell your house and leave us - just leave us!
