Saturday, December 31, 2011

Body found

The body of Dawna Jeanne Natzke was found this morning off Little Blakley Road. Details will follow.


  1. Look at his mother as an accomplice and her ex-con husband

  2. With hundreds of local residents coming to search for Dawna this morning. . . why wasn't a search similar to this organized by police LAST weekend? We can only hope she was not left alive to suffer a long painful death. Why weren't the people at the "party" worried and go searching for her that night or at least early next morning? Was everyone at the party too inebriated to help?

  3. Hundreds of people have volunteered their help in the past week. Hundreds have been denied the opportunity to be part of an organized search until today. Posters have been prohibited. Pro bono assistance from a professional Texas-based Equestrian search firm was rejected as recently as yesterday.

    Ultimately, reflecting the true and good nature of the people of the Village, Jessieville and surrounding area, it was volunteers in a non-sanctioned search which found Dawna's remains within one hour of the search launch.

    As tragic as the outcome of the search is -- her body found 1 mile east of the Duck home in a pond -- it is one step toward what many view as two injustices: her murder and the tragic series of decisions made by the HSVPD "Chief" which prohibited wider spread resources from being effectively deployed in a timely manner. Clearly forensic evidence is somewhat compromised, and had it not been for her family and friends, the people of Jessieville, Hot Springs, Hot Springs Village, even total strangers from Benton and Little Rock who showed up today at Jessieville, the heavens alone know how long it would have been until these remains were located, if they would have been located. Truly, a murderer could have gone free. Hopefully an arrest has been made, or will be made today.

    I can only hope and pray that there is enough forensic evidence to prosecute her murderer, AND that a full accounting of the process of this investigation be made to the public. No more dirt swept under rugs.

    The Village is not the Village many of us moved into decades ago. We have many fine police officers here, a great many who loved Dawna dearly and are personally distraught over her murder. Perhaps one of the many legacies she has left us will be a rejuvenated police force with new leadership that matches the times in which we live.

    Thanks to all those who showed up today at Jessieville, perhaps none wanting to find what was found. But doing what it took -- volunteering their time and hearts.

  4. It's times like this that show how important it is to bring NEW people into management positions and let those who should retire!! New people mean new, fresh ideas and leadership.

  5. My heartfelt condolences to the family and community.

    Regarding the Christmas party, did Dawna, her mother, and boyfriend all drive in the same car? Or did the boyfriend just show up?

    Did she leave her purse with her mother? Did she say anything to anyone about leaving?

  6. A lot of Monday morning quarterbacks chiming in on this case. Hopefully Chief Cornett will issue a detailed statement when all the evidence is examined. This may satisfy the critics of the HSVPD & Garland County Sheriff's dept. but I doubt it, those kind of people always need something to whine about.

  7. I wouldn't call this whining.

    A good mother is dead, a family devastated, a community in a gated community realizing they are not safe, and legitimate issues have been raised about the ineffective response.
