Monday, November 7, 2011

A greener Thanksgiving

The following tips for a “greener” Thanksgiving are offered by the Hot Springs/Garland County Beautification Commission.

Forget Martha Stewart –You don’t have to amaze friends and family with a gourmet, magazine-style spread with exotic ingredients flown in from all around the world. Nor must you provide a multi-course spread with many dish choices. Most guests will be happy with a few well-made, traditional dishes that celebrate the bounty of the local harvest. An advantage to keeping it simple is that you will also reduce the amount of energy used while cooking. If you end up with too many leftovers, give them away to people first, then local wildlife.

Packaging and Recycled Content – At the store, seek items with the least amount of packaging. Try to buy packaging that is environmentally friendly. Look for recycled content and the recyclability of both packaging and content.

Buy from the Farmers' Market – Many of the veggies needed for side dishes grow within 100 miles of Hot Springs. Our farmers' market is quite well known for fall specialties like squash, greens, potatoes, yams and pumpkins, and herbs like rosemary and sage.

Serve Local Beverages – Serving local libations from Arkansas breweries and wineries is a great way to show off regional specialties to out-of-town guests. Non-alcoholic versions are plentiful as well, and the local farmers’ market offers organic local juices.

Need Extras? Our Thrift Stores Have Them – If you’re in need of extra plates, a vase for that farmers' market bouquet centerpiece, a few extra glasses or a gravy boat, check the local thrift and consignment stores. Consignment stores in particular tend to stock up on things that may be in demand during certain times of the year, so you might be surprised at the selection. Buying secondhand is not only a great form of recycling; it’s also quite fashionable to have different plates and glasses at the table. You can even try to match each guest’s personality to their place setting. If the thought of washing so many dishes is daunting, check into biodegradable dishes and cutlery. For information on local and online sources, call 655-2161.

Decorate with Nature – There’s no reason to purchase store-bought Thanksgiving-themed decorations that will fall apart long before next year. Instead, take a cue from nature. Place pine cones in a bowl or basket as a centerpiece, purchase a live plant that can go into the garden next spring, or pick up a bouquet of organic blooms from the farmers' market. If it's cool outside and your house is warmed by many guests, open up windows and feel the beauty of the season instead of turning on the air conditioner.

Plant a Tree - This is the season to plant a lot of trees and shrubs, so take the time to plant a tree as part of a new family tradition. It's a perfect way to say thank you to Mother Earth.

Home Sweet Home – Thanksgiving is, unfortunately, the time when airports and highways are traditionally jam-packed with travelers. Why not skip the headaches and reduce your carbon footprint by staying close to home? Make a new tradition with friends and family that live in your area.

For more earth-friendly ideas, contact Hot Springs/Garland County Beautification Commission Executive Director Adam Roberts at 655-2161 or

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