Sunday, February 27, 2011

Heifer ranch trip deadline to sign up March 3

Spring Outing to Heifer Ranch is set for Thursday, March 10, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Join members of the Heifer Club for a spring visit to the rolling hills of Perryville for a first-hand look at the farm training center of Heifer Project International.
Everyone's heard the saying, “Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, but teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” Heifer Projects here in Arkansas, around the U.S. and all over the world teach families better farming practices while taking care of the earth.
Heifer Club volunteers will drive participants to the Ranch where everyone will have lunch, take the tour and learn about the mission and work of Heifer International.
Lunch and the tour costs $11.00 per person. To reserve your space send a check by March 3rd to: Jane Parker, 6 Bahia Lane, HS Village, AR 71909.
The tour leaves the parking lot outside the East gate at 11 a.m. The parking lot is outside the gate, on your right, but before Hwy. 5. Everyone will travel together arriving at the Heifer Ranch at noon, have lunch and then take the tour.
Lunch is served cafeteria style and consists of one or two entrees, vegetables, bread, beverage, and dessert. A salad bar and vegetarian meals are also available. If you have dietary restrictions, Jane will need that info with your check. Everything served is grown on the ranch. The only caveat is what you put on your plate, you must eat.
Tour starts with a short introduction to the Heifer mission, then a hayride tour of the ranch to see the various barns and animal areas. There will be some walking, so dress comfortably with closed toed shoes. Bring a jacket and your curiosity.
We will start back to the village after a brief stop at the gift shop.
For more information call Jane Parker at 922-3355.
And don't put off sending your check for $11.00 per person to Jane so she gets it by March 3!
We look forward to seeing you March 10th.

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