Monday, January 31, 2011

Warm weather brought thoughts of chiggers

The recent spate of warm weather reminded me I needed to get my supplies together for the upcoming spring chigger season.
To prevent chiggers mix two cups of white vinegar, one cup of Avon Skin So Soft, one cup of water and one tablespoon of eucalyptus oil. These items mixed together go in a sprayer to spray on like Off.
If you didn't prepare for chiggers ahead of time, the best way to treat them is to dissolve nine aspirins in a quarter cup of vinegar, add a quarter cup of alcohol. Put contents in a sealed container and shake. Apply the concoction with cotton balls directly to the bitten area. Repeat as needed, but shake the jar each time.

1 comment:

  1. Some good info here. Some stuff I have not hear of or else never paid attention to. There are a few tricks to keeping chiggers at bay. There is an organic soap that comes in different flavors. Peppermint works good. Just spray it on your pants. Brushing yourself off every hour or so also helps.

    Alcohol does nothing to stop the chigger itch. I do not know of the vinegar and aspirin thing. I have heard of aspirin being used on ant bites though.

    I do know of really good formula that is totally natural. It can be had at the local grocery store. but I am not going to tell you what is.

    These guys really give you bank up little manual on chiggers and all about them. They saved my life and I am sure it will help you and your readers. Just go to and they will take care of you big time.
