Monday, January 3, 2011

Message from Congressman Mike Ross

This month marks the beginning of a new Congress on Capitol Hill: the 112th Congress. There are new faces, new leaders, new agendas and new ideas. While much is changing on Capitol Hill, my steadfast commitment to you and to Arkansas will not. At the swearing-in ceremony on January 5, I will take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States." The U.S. Constitution is a sacred document and a collection of principles on which this country was founded and has prospered over the past 230 years. As a U.S. Congressman, this is a very serious responsibility.On this day, I will also renew a pledge to keep fighting for you and to serve as your voice in our nation’s capital. I still believe in the title of "Representative" and in order to represent people, you have to listen to them. That’s why I’ll continue to return home after votes each week to listen to you – the people of Arkansas’s Fourth Congressional District.With opposing sides controlling the House and Senate and with an approaching presidential race, partisan bickering in Congress could very well be at an all-time high. We must rise above the partisan fray and both sides must start working together. I don’t care if it is a Democratic or Republican idea. That’s why my commitment has never been to any special interest or any leader in Washington and it never will. It will remain where it has always been - with the people of Arkansas and with good, common sense ideas.As a bipartisan voice, I am pleased to serve as a Co-Chair for the fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition in the House of Representatives. The Blue Dogs have a long history of holding our leaders in Washington accountable and, under my leadership,we will do the same in the new Congress. By reaching across the aisle in a bipartisan way, our primary focus will be on economic recovery, creating jobs and reducing our nation’s skyrocketing national debt – not on scoring political points.As this new Congress will consider many important issues that will affect you, your family, your business and your way of life, it is important that I hear from you on all of these issues. Please never hesitate to write, e-mail or call to voice your opinion on an issue or idea before the U.S. Congress or if you have a problem with the federal government, such as getting your Social Security or disability payments. My staff and I are here to serve you.You can reach my office in numerous ways: online at; by phone toll free at 1-800-223-2220; by mail at 2436 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515; or by visiting any of the district congressional offices in El Dorado, Hot Springs, Pine Bluff and Prescott.Your input is very important if I am to serve as your voice and your representative in our nation’s capital. As this new Congress begins, rest assured I will continue to listen and to fight for you and for bipartisan, common sense solutions that move this great country forward.Sincerely,Mike Ross

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