Monday, October 18, 2010

Terrie Davis hit at Woodlands meet and greet

Terrie Davis shows off the two Marlon rifles gifted to her mother, television's Annie Oakley, Gail Davis. The rifles were used on the show. One has only been fired once.
Gail Davis/Annie Oakley memorabilia on display at the Woodlands Auditorium lobby this month and next as part of promotion for musical Annie Get Your Gun, November 3 - 7.

Arkansan Gail Davis as Annie Oakley on Coleman Dairy truck from the 1950s. Davis' daughter Terrie lives here in the Village and was featured in a Meet and Greet at the Ponce de Leon Center yesterday. Terrie discussed her mom's acting career, her love of Annie Oakley and showed off some of her collection of memorabilia celebrating her mother and Annie Oakley.

Coleman Dairy was the television sponsor of the Annie Oakley Show back in the mid-1950s. This is the original truck with Annie Oakley's character painted on each side. The truck was at the Ponce de Leon Center yesterday distributing chocolate milk in honor of Gail Davis, the Arkansan that played Annie Oakley. The truck recently spent time at the Arkansas State Fair.


  1. I think Gail Davis was a great talent and such a beautiful person.
