Monday, October 25, 2010

Guadalajara vote certified by THA board

There were quite a few THA members in the audience at Friday's THA board meeting discussing the results of the special election in Guadalajara Courts. Surprisingly, not many were from Guadalajara Courts.

The townhouse association board of directors met Friday to certify the results of the Guadalajara Courts special assessment vote and to discuss the board's direction in this matter.
The situation, the bridge leading to two townhouses in Guadalajara is limited common property and maintenance including replacement is the responsibility of the THA. Due to lack of maintenance over many, many years and poor construction design, the bridge is a safety hazard. Since general manager Glenn Zarpalic came on board with the THA in April of 2008 he has championed replacement of the bridge.
Three different panels of board members have looked at the situation and have discussed it to death with little or no action. The bridge continues to deteriorate. The safety hazard is such that someone could die or be seriously injured on this bridge due to its precarious condition. The THA would be liable for all injuries because it has not secured the bridge and has been aware of the danger for years.
Tiered assessments created in the early 2000s puts paying for the costly replacement in the laps of the 63 townhouses in Guadalajara Courts. Guadalajara residents voted against the special assessment to fund the replacement of the bridge and other capital repairs needed in the court. The recent special assessment vote was certified at the meeting. See previous blog post for vote count.
The board turned to discussions of what to do next. One of the suggestions to be investigated is replacing the bridge in a cheaper fashion, with treated lumber from above the footings up. General manager Zarpaylic spoke against not replacing the footings. He said no contractor would guarantee work not including the preparation of the ground and the footings.
Zarpaylic has been charged with getting bids for the job. Despite the certified vote declining paying for the bridge replacement, the cost of the bridge construction will be Guadalajara Courts' responsibility according to the board. The wooden construction would be less than the amount voted on. The board is hoping the cost will be less than $50,000 so they will not have to consult the members of Guadalajara Courts again. The by-laws will allow the board to move forth and stick the cost to Guadalajara Courts if less than the $50,000.
Can you say lawsuit? Despite the repeated delays in making a decision about the bridge it appears the board has decided to act. It at least is going forth with the bidding process.
The THA board has several meetings between now and the end of the year. There is a special board meeting at 9 a.m. Friday, October 29, to count and certify ballots electing three members to the board. There is a working board meeting scheduled for November 2 at 8:30 a.m. A board meeting scheduled for November 12 at 10:30 a.m. A working board meeting scheduled for November 30 at 8:30 a.m. and a board meeting set for December 10 at 10:30 a.m. to approve the 2011 budget.

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