Thursday, April 29, 2010

Strategic Planning

The strategic planning committee held two open forums yesterday at 3p.m and 6 p.m at the Ouachita Room designed to obtain public input in the planning process.
The goal of the committee is to present the POA board with a plan of action to take the Village to an idealized place ten years from now.
The committee is identifying where we want to be in ten years and how we can possibly get there.
It is looking at the vision, internal and external factors, the coming shifts in population and demographics and how to pay for any future innovations.
Keith Keck, the deputy of process in strategic planning led the presentation. Wilbur Smither, the other deputy in the strategic planning process helped clarify some of the information presented. Four of five of the strategic planning team leaders were present to answer questions as well. Dave Johnston, POA general manager, is at the top of the strategic planning pyramid. He joined the meeting in progress.
Audience members asked for clarification of some points, asked a few questions about the process but also had many suggestions to be included in the plan. Several of the audience ideas were already considered by the sub-committees but the input gave clarification they were on the right track.
Smither said the committee was looking at three different population bases for the future Village, one just like we have now with a mix of retirees and non-retirees, one with baby boomers and one with and one of unknown residents.
The goal of the committee is to anticipate the type of amenities that would attract each of the three populations and how the Village would provide amenities and services to the future population.
The security of the Village as a gated community seems to be one factor that draws the current population and will draw future populations as well.
The strategic planning committee will formulate the information gathered at the two forums and proceed to the next step in its process, a detailed update to the POA board on May 5 with the kick off of the next phase, SWOTs, on May 15. The committee will be on the agenda at the board retreat starting on May 21.

1 comment:

  1. That is good news but how do we get money to him to assist in the effort?
