Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fresh Start

Now that I am no longer with the Voice, I have time on my hands to create the type of paper I would love to read. One overflowing with the latest news, the funny police reports and up to date arts and entertainment previews and reviews. Sorry, if you are looking for sports, I can't help you.
I will endeavor to create a product that will tell you what is going on in Hot Springs Village right now, not what happened last week but what is happening right now.
Currently, the Village is wrapping up its 40th anniversary celebration. Tonight is the Teen Party at the DeSoto Family Recreation Area for 7th grade through 12th grade at 6 p.m. The party is $5.
For adults there is the Ruby Celebration Hop at the Coronado Community Center beginning at 7 p.m. The dance is $3.

1 comment:

  1. I really don't see you as one who has "time on my hand" - in the short time that you've been "no longer with the Voice", you've already accomplished much including creating this Blog and you've stayed current with Village happenings to keep the Blog fresh. I'll be following your written words and wishing you much success. Many years ago, when life was less than stellar, I learned that "Out of all Bad, comes Good"! Enjoy the Good!
